Marty asleep. Naturally Treat Worms in Dogs

Part 2- How we naturally treated roundworm in our dog - with exact products and dosages.

A couple of weeks back I told you about Marty and his worm count results showing as "Moderate" for Roundworm. I also told you that we treated him with Verm-X as we had already planned on moving him away from the vet chemical wormers.
Before doing so, we tested Marty 3 weeks after his last chemical treatment and hey presto, he had worms. It goes to show that just because it came from a vet it doesn't mean its 100% guaranteed to protect from worms.
I promised I would tell you exactly how we treated him so here we go. It was very simple indeed!
After speaking with the helpful staff at Verm-X we followed some advice and the results speak for themselves. The first image you see below is the results before Verm-X.
The next image below are the worm count results after Verm-X treatment.
As you can see, the worm count is a clear negative. No more Roundworm!
So what did we treat him with exactly?
Well, we used a mix of Verm-X Original Liquid and Verm-X Original Crunchies. This wasn't actually the advice as we were told that one or the other alone would treat the issues.
Verm-X Liquid is more concentrated and you only need to give them a small dose for 3 consecutive days, once a month. The Crunchies, you give just a small number of biscuits per day, continually. The Crunchies will work a little more slowly than the Liquid.
So, as the ingredients are 100% safe and naturally, I took it upon myself to decide that as long as Marty took them ok, I would give him both to treat, and then just continue with Crunchies if the results came black clear, as they did.
The correct regular dosage of Liquid for a dog Marty's size is 10ml for 3 days, 1x per month. The liquid is strong so I was advised to start with a smaller amounts for a couple of days and gradually build up to the recommended daily amount.
Plus, as he has a positive worm count, use for a longer period so that over all he has had the total equivalent of 6 days worth at the usual recommended amount.
The exact dosage and schedule was as follows:
Day 1 - 2.5 ml
Day 2 - 2.5 ml
Day 3 - 5 ml
Day 4 - 10 ml
Day 5 - 10 ml
Day 6 - 10 ml
Day 7 - 10 ml
Day 8 - 10 ml
Then we switched him to the Crunchies and waited 21 days to retest and got the negative results which was fantastic!
These are great. He loves them and we give him them as an evening treat once we all sit down after our dinner. He sits on the footstool eagerly waiting for us to come through bless him.
We will now just keep him on the Crunchies and test every 2 months to start and probably move to testing every 3 months if all seems well.
So there you have it. A successful transition away from regular chemical wormers to a natural treatment that I can honestly say, worked!
Have a great week.
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