Choose from every 2, 3, 6, 9, or 12 months and get your Worm Count Kits automatically delivered to your door.



  • Great value product, easy to use and fast results !

    I have been using the combined kits twice a year for a while now and find them easy to use and results come through quickly with easy to understand charts. Happy customer!



    IF you want peace of mind about whether or not your dog has worms in their gut, this is it. Simple and easy. And within just a few days you know the answer. Then you can take any action you need to. Research first then administer medicine if required - much the best.


  • Great service

    Been using this company for almost a year now. Kits arrive quickly, are clear and easy to use and results are emailed to me just as quick. Will continue to use. Should you need to contact them about anything, they are very responsive. Extremely good service.


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Worm Counts For Dogs specialise in faecal egg counts.

We’re a friendly, professional bunch and our worm count and lungworm kits are tested by Feclab. Doing a worm count test four times a year will give you a good insight into how your current wormer is working. It will also allow you to only worm your dog when a worm count test comes back with a positive result.

Choose between a worm egg count, a lungworm count or our combo worm and lungworm count tests. Our worm count kit also tests for Giardia, and our lungworm kit tests for heartworm too. We also stock a separate giardia rapid test kit to do at home. As well as adult dogs, puppies often need to be tested for giardia.

Use a worm count for dogs if you only want to worm your dog when necessary; if you raw feed your dog; to check if your current wormer is working; if you can’t worm your dog for any reason. Whether you chose to worm or not, worm egg count testing plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy dog.

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    Part 2- How we naturally treated roundworm in o...

    A couple of weeks back I told you about Marty and his worm count results showing as "Moderate" for Roundworm. I also told you that we treated him with Verm-X...

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    How We Naturally Treated Roundworm In Our Dog

    The handsome boy in the picture above is Marty. He's a 2 year old Miniature American (Aussie) Shepherd.      He has, or should I say HAD roundworm!      Why am...

    How We Naturally Treated Roundworm In Our Dog

    The handsome boy in the picture above is Marty. He's a 2 year old Miniature American (Aussie) Shepherd.      He has, or should I say HAD roundworm!      Why am...

  • Natural Worming Methods #1

    Natural Worming Methods #1

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    Natural Worming Methods #1

    Today we’re talking about natural and non-chemical worming protocols that many people use. We will look at some of the reasons people choose a natural worming method for their dog...

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